I started this summer just like most school principals - looking for high quality teacher candidates to fill the vacancies for the upcoming school year.
With lots of driving to do, I decided to advertise this on the back window of my car. Essentially, I turned our family vehicle into a "Tiger Van", with a large advertisement that read: "Proud Principal at North Elementary School, Now Hiring". Some people thought it was clever, others thought it was funny. In reality, however, it was the face of desperation. I searched for applicants near and far. Many of those who were from far were not ready to make the move; and many of those who were near just did not work out.
I kept asking myself why is it so difficult to find teachers? Perhaps it is not; however, I now realize that I had turned it into a task that was nearly impossible to accomplish. I knew that educationally speaking, our school has systems in place. We are fortunate to have enough dedicated individuals who can provide ample of support to any of the new teachers in order for good instruction to take place in their classrooms. But I was not only looking for someone who is a strong content area expert. I was looking for the spark. I was looking for someone who is eager to learn. I was looking for someone who had passion. Passion for educating their students as well as themselves. I was looking for someone who would be able to think outside the box. Someone who could understand the needs of their students. Not just any student. The students who are so little that they do not often know their name or address when they get dropped off the first day of school. So, clearly, I did not just mean the educational needs. The needs that I had in mind were far more basic: the need to be acknowledged, the need to be cared for, and the need to be loved. I was looking for someone who would be able to treat each and every one of my students as their very own child. Someone who could establish routines and expectations in their classroom that provide order, but also have room in their heart for tweaking the rules if it is in the best interest of the child. I was looking for someone who could walk into our building and blend in with all the wonderful teachers that call our school their home. Mission impossible? Almost.
Tomorrow is the day when all of our teachers return, and I am beyond blessed to say that there will be a teacher in every one of the classrooms that were left empty in June. The search is over! We are ready for the new beginnings, and we are ready to rock and roll. There will be lots of learning. There will be successes and there will be defeats. It will not be easy. But if we keep our focus on each and every child and their individual needs - it will be just right.
I then realized that I probably need to take down the advertisement from the back of my car. So I got busy, removing the sticky decals that had been burning on the black window of my car in the scorching hot Florida sun for the last two months. But I did not remove it all. I left something that is more true than ever. I am a PROUD Principal at North Elementary School.
Welcome aboard new teachers!
You are about to start the most magical beginning. Don't let anyone dull your sparkle!!!