Sunday, December 8, 2019

Empowering Educators - Mrs. Jeanne Hazellief

Meet Mrs. Jeanne Hazellief (Myers) - Full Time Exceptional Students' Education Teacher at North Elementary School and North Elementary School First Year (Project ONE) Teacher of the Year 2019 

What makes a great teacher? One way to find out is to visit Mrs. Hazellief's classroom at North Elementary School where she teaches exceptional students' education (ESE) in a full time classroom setting.

Mrs. Hazellief joined the North Elementary School team at the beginning of the 2019-20 school year. Previously, she had worked at Okeechobee High School (OHS) as a paraprofessional and a security guard at the gate. While students at OHS are much older and more independent, Mrs. Hazellief said that just like the little ones at the elementary school, they also wanted to talk to someone; they wanted for someone to listen to them and to be their sounding board. Elementary school students need more guidance, Mrs. Hazellief said; and she sure provides her students with that and so much more.

Even though this is Mrs. Hazellief's first year of teaching, she has already gone through a change of a teaching assignment. Mrs. Hazellief started out as an ESE inclusion teacher, but transitioned soon after into a full time ESE classroom. Being new to what she was doing - Mrs. Hazellief shared that she was initially cautious and even intimidated about another change. Little did she know that she had found her niche - a calling that she is not only good at, but one that she absolutely loves.

Mrs. Hazellief shared that the first year of teaching has been very exciting but also terrifying. Mrs. Hazellief holds a Bachelor's Degree in Human Services, and therefore, she is new to teaching in a classroom setting. This has been a challenge for her, Mrs. Hazellief said. She said that she has been afraid to fail, and more importantly, afraid to fail her students. But then, she said, when she sees her studnets' faces once they finally understand a concept and when they get excited about being successful, it changes everything. Mrs. Hazellief says that it is all about helping students; helping them to become passionate about learning, and being able to believe that they can do it.

Being afraid of the assessments and passing the test is something that Mrs. Hazellief can talk about from her firsthand experience. She said that she was terrified of the teacher certification test, and she was dreading taking it. She was struggling with finding strength to get through it, and she shared it with her students. It was the students, Mrs. Hazellief said, who encouraged her and helped her believe that she can do it. In the interview, Mrs. Hazellief said that when she finally went and took her test, she used her scrap paper for notes during the test. The only thing that she wrote on it was something that her students wanted her to believe in. Her paper said "I can do it". And she did.

As a certified teacher, Mrs. Hazellief has introduced structures and practices in her classroom that are integral for the success of her students. Teaching multiple grade levels in one classroom is a challenge that even most experienced teachers can struggle with, but Mrs. Hazellief makes it look easy and natural. Her small group rotations allow students to get their teacher time while also providing them with individual practice time where they are accountable for their own learning.

When it was time to select the First Year Teacher of the Year at North Elementary School - there was no doubt that Mrs. Hazellief was very deserving of the recognition. It is difficult to say who was more excited about the award - Mrs. Hazellief or her students. The smiles on her students' faces conveyed one common message - they were very proud of their teacher!

Mrs. Hazellief shared that outside the school she enjoys photography and traveling. Her family is also actively involved with community events - specifically events held by the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP). Her favorite activities with this organization are Shop with the Cop and Pictures with Santa and Grinch. Mrs. Hazellief called both of these events "touching experiences" - something that warms her heart during the holiday season.

North Elementary School  is very proud to call Mrs. Hazellief the NES First Year Teacher of the Year of 2019. We wish Mrs. Hazellief the best of luck at the district competition!

Dr. Tuuli Robinson
Educator and Lifelong Learner

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